Multimodal transport
At Bilogistik we organise multimodal transport for all kinds of goods. This type of operation involves combining two or more means of transport to guarantee that the goods will reach their destination, always ensuring a door-to-door service. However, the goods stay in the same container all the way.
Combined transport is the best option for overcoming the challenges of transport between territories far from one another. Thus, the greater the distance, the greater the importance of the part played by the multimodal transport of goods.
The benefits of our multimodal transport service are
We design personalised multimodal solutions, tailoring them to suit the cargo type and taking the best aspect of each means of transport to optimise the routes. This means that we obtain the greatest efficiency with respect to processes, time and costs.
The most frequent combinations in this type of transport are:
Multimodal sea and road transport
Multimodal rail and
road transport
Container types
At Bilogistik we adapt to the logistics needs of your cargo. We have the ideal multimodal container to guarantee that your goods will travel safety and in perfect condition.
Bulk container
Ideal for bulk loads given its characteristic openings for easy emptying.
Cistern or tank container
Suitable for bulk liquids or liquified gases.
Open side container
For very bulky goods, such as heavy machinery, pipes or special equipment.
Open-top container
Perfect for very bulky goods such as minerals and semi-finished products.
Flat platform
For very bulky goods that are too big for a conventional container. The platform is covered with a resistant tarpaulin to protect the cargo.

Multimodal transport of dangerous goods
The complexity involved in the multimodal transport of dangerous goods lies in the fact that the necessary specifications change according to the type of transport at hand. It is therefore important to have a team of experts equipped with the required permits and certifications.
At Bilogistik we take care of the necessary formalities to meet all legal requirements when transporting dangerous goods by multimodal means.
More informationOur logistics services
As experts in all types of transport, at Bilogistik we accompany you at every stage of the supply chain with our custom solutions:
Maritime chartering
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Ship agency
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Forwarding agent
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Customs management
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Transporte de todo tipo
de Mercancías
Transportamos tu carga mineral de forma eficiente y adaptada a tus necesidades logísticas, sea cual sea la dificultad del terreno. Te acompañamos en cada fase de la cadena de suministro.
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Soluciones para el transporte de caucho, ya sea a granel, en forma de neumáticos o productos derivados. Diseñamos la solución logística más adecuada y eficiente para que tus mercancías lleguen en perfectas condiciones.
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Mercancías Peligrosas
Tenemos la solución logística idónea para el transporte de mercancías peligrosas, como explosivos o corrosivos. Garantizamos una solución logística integral, cumpliendo con todos los estándares de seguridad.
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Soluciones para cargas especiales y de proyecto
Gracias a la experiencia en logística de nuestro equipo, desde Bilogistik te ofrecemos nuestro servicio de transporte de cargas especiales, tanto de forma puntual como dentro de un proyecto industrial con desplazamientos continuados.
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