Ship agent
As specialists in maritime logistics operations, at Bilogistik we offer you our ship agent service. Intermediaries on your behalf, we take care of all necessary formalities to reduce the amount of time spent in any Spanish port.
How does our Ship Agent service help you?
Our ship agency team takes responsibility for the ship from the moment it comes into the port, guaranteeing that all of the formalities required in the port are carried out efficiently and saving costs.
Commercial functions
We provide shippers or forwarding agents with transport services and hire transport for the ship.
Operational functions
We offer the ship or its crew all of the management services related to their stay in the port.
This includes all procedures required when arriving to and departing from the mooring, port or customs authority formalities, monitoring operations in the port and managing the right to enter and stay in the port. This includes the supply of provisions and fuel and the hiring of personnel.
Freight management functions
We take care of submitting the off-loading manifest to the customs and of issuing the Delivery Order enabling the owner to withdraw the goods, as well as for hiring personnel to load, unload, stow and unstow the cargo.
Other logistics services
At Bilogistik we have all kinds of transport solutions:
Multimodal transport
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Maritime chartering
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Forwarding agent
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Customs management
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Transporte de todo tipo
de Mercancías
Transportamos tu carga mineral de forma eficiente y adaptada a tus necesidades logísticas, sea cual sea la dificultad del terreno. Te acompañamos en cada fase de la cadena de suministro.
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Soluciones para el transporte de caucho, ya sea a granel, en forma de neumáticos o productos derivados. Diseñamos la solución logística más adecuada y eficiente para que tus mercancías lleguen en perfectas condiciones.
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Mercancías Peligrosas
Tenemos la solución logística idónea para el transporte de mercancías peligrosas, como explosivos o corrosivos. Garantizamos una solución logística integral, cumpliendo con todos los estándares de seguridad.
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Soluciones para cargas especiales y de proyecto
Gracias a la experiencia en logística de nuestro equipo, desde Bilogistik te ofrecemos nuestro servicio de transporte de cargas especiales, tanto de forma puntual como dentro de un proyecto industrial con desplazamientos continuados.
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