Bilogistik news

Find out what’s new at Bilogistik and our everyday operations, and see what’s going on in the logistics sector.

The challenges of last-minute logistics

Last-minute logistics may suppose delays and extra costs in the shipment of the merchandise. To avoid this, you have to plan ahead, have transportation alternatives and work hand in hand with a trusted freight forwarder.

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Shipping container codes

Containers are key pieces of international logistics by allowing goods to arrive safely at their destination. Here we leave you the codes that every container must carry to be able to be controlled along the supply chain.

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Ship types according to their size

The size of the ship varies depending on the commercial routes they follow, the berthing ports and the cargo the carry, being this an extremely important aspect to take into account when transporting goods.

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World Maritime Day 2019

World Maritime Day commemorates the work of IMO throughout its history. This year, as a central theme, the focus has been placed on the presence of women in the sector and on the development of systems for safe navigation.

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Value-added logistics

Value Added Logistics allows to provide a complete service that meets all the expectations and needs of the client. In Bilogistik we are experts in the integral management of transport through VAL services.

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